What we want for our students who are complex communication users:
How to get there: Slow rate Model Respect & reflect Repeat Expand Stop
First steps: 1. Model AAC use in multiple settings/activities. You can practice using the same word in different activities ("go", "see") or make a point of looking for words that you don't know the placement of. You are also modeling problem-solving and persistence. To get started it may help you to set numerical goals e.g., model during at least 3 different activities, in each activity model a target word for __# of times/ a given number of words that are on the same page/for a given number of conversational turns/etc.
2.Tell the AAC user you would like to practice with them and take turns using their device. If they say no- back off & you can just use a core board to demonstrate use of multimodal communication. More advanced: start keeping a core board with you so you can use it as needed.
3.As you are talking and pointing, pause frequently to allow your communication partner to take turns in the conversation. Affirm any communicative sound or gesture they produce by noting it and interpreting it. This is important because your interpretation might be wrong. If your communication partner doesn't make any response, then just keep going. Limit the length of time you are modeling without getting any responses.