/r/All sounds:Hopscotch- put target words on each square, say the words as you hop
All sounds:Hot Lava- put target words on floor & jump over hot lava to get to them ( I use scarves or orange construction paper to represent the lava)
All Sounds:Obstacle Course, with stations including words or items with target sounds
All sounds:Scarf-Jump-Yell- throw 3-4 scarves on the floor, jump from one to the next & then when you get to the last one yell your target word. ( You can use a plastic microphone to make it even louder).
Medial Sounds: "Follow the leader" or "copy me"- Each student gets to be the leader for a given number of turns & gives everyone else those directions. You can do this in a line or a circle.
/f/-"I found it"- create an obstacle course with small items hidden
/f/- Hopscotch, say "1 foot" or "2 feet " as appropriate with each jump
/g/-"I got it"- throwing things into a box or basket placed on the ground, say "I got it" when you get one in
"dg" - "jumping relay"- have kids split up in two lines facing each other, then the first in onr line jumps across the room, when they get to the first one in the line across from them , they tag them on the hand and then that kid does the same thing. Or, have the tag each other to run a full circle or following a lap around something.
/p/- Bubbles! - say "pop" when that happens, use different implements as bubble poppers such as pointers, rulers, pool noodles
/r/-Tape Road: Tape a road throughout the house or room and let them drive drive drive! /s/- Hide and Seek- use the phrase "I see_____" when you find someone
"sh"-Take a shot- This is a sort of basketball game. You need some sort of basket & some kind of ball. Then make a die or some cards that say "sit', "stand", "jump", "run", "laugh", and "any way you want". Each player rolls the die or picks a card & then they have to make that kind of shot.
/z/-Freeze tag-The teacher is "it" & can freeze students by touching them. Other students can un--freeze each other by touching them and saying "Unfreeze!".