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Online Services & Freebies
Autism Games has a ton of interactive activities which all kinds of kids might like.
sites.google.com/site/autismgames/ Great Bingo card generator at the Teachnology site. www.teach-nology.com/web_tools/materials/bingo/5/ British Library Sounds collection has thousands of recorded samples of people, animal sounds & natural events. Bryback Manor is a site filled with activities, songs & recipes for early learners. www.bry-backmanor.org/index.html Classroom architect will help you plan the position of objects in your classroom. classroom.4teachers.org/ classtools.net/ This Cognitive Strategies Instruction (CSI?!!)page from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has information on how to teach kids strategies for learning. This is an important element of helping our kids become indepemdent life-long learners. www.unl.edu/csi/ Creative Commons- published to share. creativecommons.org/ Do2Learn has a lot of free printables & some online games for early learners. www.do2learn.com/ Eanes ISD Wiki contains a lot of tech training information. www.eanes.wikispaces.net/ Flashcard Flash lets you search a bunch of different flashcard sites with a single query. Free Music Archive has sound files you can use for free. Kids Learning Station has free printables for early learners www.kidslearningstation.com/ Lil Fingers has stories & interactive activities for early learners www.lil-fingers.com/ First School is a site with tons of avtivities & printables for early learners. www.first-school.ws/INDEX.HTM Make Belief Comix is a site for generating your own comic strips. www.makebeliefscomix.com/ MES-English has a huge bank of picture flashcards without text, which is great for stimulating word finding skills & sentence production activities, as well as sorting activities. www.mes-english.com/worksheets/ |
The Ohio Center for Autism & Low Incidence Disorders (OCALI) has a lot of great PDFs, particularly on topics related to Autism.
www.ocali.org/view.php PapaJan.com has printables for early learners & online games as well. www.papajan.com/ Royalty Free Music offers music files for free for use by students & educators. Rubistar is a site for building rubrics. rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php Lulu is a self publishing site. www.lulu.com/ Sites for Teachers is an aggregator with a ton of links. www.sitesforteachers.com/index11.html SpellingCity.com is a site that lets you enter a list of words & then puts them into all sorts of activities. www.spellingcity.com/ techchicktips.wikispaces.com/ Tinsnips is a British site with a lot of activities & links for early learners & kids with special needs. www.tinsnips.org/ The TEACCH site has a ton of articles on their techniques. www.teacch.com/ This page has some examples of TEACCH style activities. www.preschoolfun.com/pages/teacch%20work%20jobs.htm TLS books has loads of printable materials for Pre-K-6th grade. www.tlsbooks.com/ Tools for Educators has all kinds of tools to make games, dice, quizzes, etc. www.toolsforeducators.com/ Tumblebooks is a site with tons of stories & interactive pages. The district is a subscriber. www.tumblebooks.com/library Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Book Builder is a free site. It requires registration, but you can make a lot of cool stuff! bookbuilder.cast.org/ This Word Game Boards page comes from Jefferson County Schools in Tennessee, & provides templates & instructions for making simple boardgames. jc-schools.net/tutorials/gameboard.htm This article has an excellent explanation of the theory & process of using visual schedules, with a lot of pictured axamples. www.setbc.org/setbc/communication/vss/default.html Wordle is a tool that takes your text & makes it in to a word cloud. www.wordle.net/ |