Monster, Be Good! by Natalie Marshall
working on /s/ clusters in the middle of words
Here are some simple ways to practice this sound pattern :
1. Count stop signs you see when you're out for a drive with your child.
2. Play a construction game, like legos, and build a mall. What are all the different kinds of stores you need? e.g., book store, toy store, grocery store, hardware store, etc.
3. Look through your kitchen with your child and find the kind of snacks you have: fruit snacks, cheese snacks, snack crackers, etc.
1. Count stop signs you see when you're out for a drive with your child.
2. Play a construction game, like legos, and build a mall. What are all the different kinds of stores you need? e.g., book store, toy store, grocery store, hardware store, etc.
3. Look through your kitchen with your child and find the kind of snacks you have: fruit snacks, cheese snacks, snack crackers, etc.
Playlist of songs with a lot of /s/ cluster/ sounds is right here
Core vocabulary: question, answer, frustrated, inside, outside, faster, basketball, Mister, next, exit
Line-up cheer- Teacher: B-ball is! Kids: Basketball!
Craft : Paper plate monster puppet
Some favorite songs with this sound pattern...
Yoga - here are some poses that have our sound in their names