Teach My Dog 100 words
(scroll down for more activities & information)
Working on final "ch" sound- scroll down for more
Here are some simple ways to work on this song with your child:
1. Play catch! Yell "(name) CATCH" when it's your turn to throw.
2. Play store & take turns being the customer, asking the clerk "how much. for ____?".
Working on final "ch" sound- scroll down for more
Here are some simple ways to work on this song with your child:
1. Play catch! Yell "(name) CATCH" when it's your turn to throw.
2. Play store & take turns being the customer, asking the clerk "how much. for ____?".
Core Vocabulary: which, much, such, catch, watch, touch, teach, match, H, ouch
Line up cheer - Teacher: Everybody here! Kids: Give me a cheer!
Songs to practice the "ch" sound are on my YouTube playlist right here
More stories with a lot of "ch" are on my list at GoodReads right here
Slide show- "ch" final
Some favorite songs: